It is not death that one should fear, but that one will never begin to live,” wrote Emper­or Marcus Aure­li­us in his introspections.

As an entre­pre­neur, you know this. There is always some­thing left to do. We are always cha­sing the next goal.

Most of the time, these goals are coun­ta­ble and mea­sura­ble: sales, con­tri­bu­ti­on mar­gins, pro­fits. And that’s not wrong at first – after all, it’s fun to solve these intellec­tu­al puz­zles. It pro­vi­des us with self-affirmation.

But our life is not only our work. We are not only entre­pre­neurs, but also par­ents, fri­ends, coa­ches, club mem­bers, aunts and uncles, explo­rers, bakers, run­ners and so much more.

That’s why I work very deliberately:

The day has 16 waking hours, work may fill six to eight of them.

The week has 7 days – for work, there are four to five.

And the year has 52 weeks, 44 of which are reser­ved for work.

This is good for the body and the mind. And it impro­ves the result of my work – and thus of your company.

I’m not in the office on the holi­days in Baden-Würt­tem­berg. Over the year, I’m on vaca­ti­on for about four weeks. And a few times a year, I’m on-site with cus­to­mers to give semi­nars or work­shops. But you pro­ba­b­ly won’t even notice that, becau­se my team has my back.

My prices are cal­cu­la­ted in such a way that vaca­ti­on and sick time are cover­ed in month­ly ongo­ing accom­p­animent and pro­jects. You pay neither more nor less, we push bills accor­din­gly start­ing at an unex­pec­ted one-week absence.

Every year I take time off bet­ween Christ­mas and Epi­pha­ny. This rech­ar­ges the bat­te­ries and gives time for reflection.