Inte­rim Chief Mar­ke­ting Offi­cer (CMO)

Reach your month­ly mar­ke­ting goals with your dedi­ca­ted Inte­rim eCom­mer­ce CMO 

Hiring an Inte­rim CMO will get you the mar­ke­ting lea­der­ship you need. Better yet, it will do so at a lower level of cost, com­mit­ment, and risk than hiring a full-time mar­ke­ting exe­cu­ti­ve. All while get­ting a full team of spe­cia­lists, to help you grow your busi­ness to a size where it’s sen­si­ble to inhouse the role.

If you’re strugg­ling to jump from six to seven figu­res in annual reve­nue with your eCom­mer­ce busi­ness, this ser­vice is for you. Don’t feel bad. It’s all too common for foun­ders to remain stuck in day-to-day ope­ra­ti­ons as their busi­ness grows. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, if you’re busy hand­ling minu­tia, your busi­ness will plateau. 

Hiring me as your Inte­rim CMO will keep the burden of small decis­i­ons off your should­ers. You’ll free up a great deal of your time while gai­ning a valuable spar­ring part­ner for high-level stra­tegy. This way, you can focus on the aspects of your work (and life!) that matter most.

Let Me Grow Your eCom­mer­ce Busi­ness to 7 Figu­res per Year

At SCHWUNG­VOLL, we’ve done it many times. We exami­ne and opti­mi­ze stra­tegy, sys­tems, and pro­ces­ses. We unco­ver hidden poten­ti­als, double down on what works, and eli­mi­na­te waste. You not only get Franz Sauer­stein as your dedi­ca­ted Inte­rim CMO. You also get a hand-picked band of spe­cia­lists on top. 

Here are some results we’ve gene­ra­ted for our clients:

  • We’ve run SEO ana­ly­ses and con­tent mar­ke­ting cam­paigns that increased traf­fic by 262% in twelve months. As a result, sign-ups and purcha­ses for this client doubled.
  • We’ve plan­ned and car­ri­ed out sophisti­ca­ted Face­book and Insta­gram ad cam­paigns. This rea­ched new cli­ents while also reac­ti­vat­ing exis­ting cus­to­mers. We’ve tri­pled the ROAS (return on ad spend) on first purcha­se and 15x over the first year of the customer’s lifetime.
  • We’ve auto­ma­ted email mar­ke­ting acti­vi­ties to turn leads into cus­to­mers and cus­to­mers into regu­lars. In one exam­p­le, we decreased the over­all cost per cus­to­mer acqui­si­ti­on (CAC) by 32% and increased the life­time value (LTV365) by 21% for a client.
  • We’ve used cus­to­mer rese­arch and A/B test­ing to raise eCom­mer­ce con­ver­si­on rates from 2.9 to 5.6%. This dou­bled the effect of ad spend and other traf­fic-gene­ra­ting activities.

Here’s What a Great Chief Mar­ke­ting Offi­cer Can Do for You

Suc­cess hap­pens day by day, month by month. That’s why we’re with our cli­ents for the long haul. We start at a six month mini­mum com­mit­ment, to ensure sus­tainable, mea­sura­ble growth.

  • We helped a  high-end fur­ni­tu­re shop make 3x their month­ly reve­nue in just 3 months while main­tai­ning mar­gins and cut­ting costs on ads.
  • Our team kick­star­ted a winery’s online busi­ness from 0 to 15.000 € in month­ly net reve­nue in just 6 months.
  • A  print shop sel­ling custom mugs to busi­nesses saw a 291% increase in leads and a lift in self-check­outs of 40% in 5 months.
  • We loved incre­asing a brewery’s slug­gish eCom­mer­ce busi­ness ten­fold in just ten months. They cle­ared 500.000 €/year in reve­nue and con­ti­nue to grow.
  • Our team tri­pled con­ver­si­ons for a pre­cious metals online store in 12 months. A com­bi­na­ti­on of paid social media and seg­men­ted email cam­paigns ensu­red over­all LTV increased to 9x CAC.

Over­all, store owners saw an avera­ge return of 414% on their invest­ment in our ser­vices per month. That’s not a return in reve­nue, but in con­tri­bu­ti­on margin. It’s money in your pocket. What would a result like this mean for your busi­ness and life?

In essence, you get the bene­fits of a part-time CMO (and a well-estab­lished team) wit­hout the need to search, hire, onboard, pay for holi­days or sick leave, trai­ning, or off­boar­ding. Our ser­vice is easily cus­to­mizable: If you want to expand our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, we can faci­li­ta­te that in two to three weeks. If you want to end this enga­ge­ment, we can do so at the end of the fol­lo­wing month.

Next Steps

Hiring an Inte­rim CMO lifts the burden of mar­ke­ting decis­i­ons off your should­ers and pro­vi­des a valuable part­ner for your stra­tegy. We take respon­si­bi­li­ty for the growth of the com­pa­ny: cus­to­mers, sales, con­tri­bu­ti­on mar­gins, pro­fits. This way, you can focus on the work that mat­ters. If this sounds good to you, please cont­act us to set up a free con­sul­ta­ti­on ses­si­on where we’ll dis­cuss your needs and goals and see if we’re a good fit.

After that we… 

  1. Sign the gene­ral con­sul­ta­ti­on agree­ment inclu­ding an NDA to pro­tect both your and our data and businesses.
  2. Coll­ect the neces­sa­ry access per­mis­si­ons to the tools and/or cloud drives you alre­a­dy use and your mar­ke­ting busi­ness assets (web­site, email, social chan­nels, analytics).
  3. Sche­du­le a date and time for a kick-off workshop. 
  4. Set ever­y­thing up, get access rights, do cus­to­mer rese­arch, and get to know your busi­ness. We’ll also create the first ver­si­on of your mar­ke­ting stra­tegy and imple­ment it. This takes four weeks, from which point on you can expect us to be up to speed and the Con­ti­nuous Impro­ve­ment Cycle to be in full swing.

Work with us. Reach your goals.

Sche­du­le a con­fi­den­ti­al, free initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on here.