The Best ERP or Inven­to­ry Manage­ment Sys­tems for WooCommerce

Online shops have so many pro­ces­ses run­ning in the back­ground that you as a shop owner must never lose track of. Pro­cu­re­ment, deter­mi­na­ti­on of requi­re­ments, logi­stics, trans­port, and sto­rage – the smoot­her the inven­to­ry manage­ment system runs, the more satis­fied your cus­to­mers are. Most shop sys­tems offer various basic func­tions to manage orders or stocks to a cer­tain degree.

The larger your online shop and the more cate­go­ries and pro­ducts you offer, the more dif­fi­cult it is to keep an eye on all pro­ces­ses. And at some point, the lack of system depth takes its toll on a cru­cial resour­ce: the person responsible.

The shop is buz­zing and your employees have more and more to do. Howe­ver, the margin per item sold is sin­king. More per­son­nel is recor­ded, but the profit does not increase line­ar­ly with it. Costs are driven up and mar­gins are reduced.

This is why many Woo­Commerce shops use soft­ware that can map the com­ple­xi­ty of inven­to­ry manage­ment in its enti­re­ty. This includes so-called inven­to­ry manage­ment and ERP sys­tems. If you start using such a system early enough, a dif­fe­rence of ten or 1,000 par­cels a day will not affect the com­mer­cial depart­ment but only your ship­ping department.

The dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on bet­ween ERP and inven­to­ry manage­ment sys­tems (IMS) is not easy and each pro­gram offers dif­fe­rent advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges. That’s why we will dis­cuss the pos­si­ble ERP and IMS for Woo­Commerce in this artic­le, explai­ning the dif­fe­rence and explo­ring our favo­ri­te systems.

The dif­fe­rence bet­ween ERP and IMS

On a basic level, the distinc­tion is simple: inven­to­ry manage­ment sys­tems (IMS) con­cen­tra­te on the pro­ducts, their pro­cu­re­ment, deter­mi­na­ti­on of requi­re­ments, trans­port and warehousing. The focus here is on mate­ri­al flow.

ERP soft­ware is larger and more com­plex and is the­r­e­fo­re pre­fer­red by large com­pa­nies. ERP stands for Enter­pri­se Resour­ce Plan­ning. ERP soft­ware relies on com­pre­hen­si­ve resour­ce plan­ning, effi­ci­ent­ly uses all resour­ces, from goods to capi­tal to per­son­nel, and impro­ves busi­ness pro­ces­ses and cross-depart­ment­al pro­ces­ses in the long term.

An exam­p­le for such an ERP system is SAP, which is widely used in large com­pa­nies. For most Woo­Commerce shops, howe­ver, SAP would be com­ple­te over­kill. Whe­ther a pure IMS or an exten­si­on with ERP func­tions make sense for your shop depends on how large your shop is, what plans you have for it in the future, and what the system offers.

The Best ERP and IMS for WooCommerce

Herein lies the true dif­fi­cul­ty: most sys­tems are not pure IMS or com­ple­te ERP sys­tems. The­r­e­fo­re we recom­mend not to search for one or the other for your Woo­Commerce shop, but to check the fol­lo­wing sys­tems for the best fit for your shop.

Woo­Commerce Stock Manager

Price: free
System type: IMS
Core func­tions: Basic inven­to­ry management

Woo­Commerce Stock Mana­ger is ideal for uncom­pli­ca­ted inven­to­ry manage­ment on a small scale. This free Word­Press plugin mana­ges stock levels, deli­very back­logs, purcha­se, and sales prices, as well as the weights of your pro­ducts and their variants.

Woo­Commerce Stock Mana­ger allows you to filter pro­ducts accor­ding to various cri­te­ria, such as pro­duct type, cate­go­ry, and stock status. The plugin also syn­chro­ni­zes with Excel for easy data export, pre­pa­ra­ti­on, and import.


Price: from 79 USD/month
System type: IMS
Core func­tions: Exten­si­ve covera­ge of inven­to­ry manage­ment for seve­ral shops

Trade­Ge­cko works with Woo­Commerce to syn­chro­ni­ze your online store with a user-fri­end­ly IMS. It con­trols your inven­to­ry in mul­ti­ple loca­ti­ons, mana­ges sales and orders, and auto­ma­tes demand forecasting.

Trade­Ge­cko pro­vi­des detail­ed report­ing and ana­ly­sis for valuable insight into your gro­wing cus­to­mer base and pro­fits. You can even inte­gra­te more than one Woo­Commerce shop. Trade­Ge­cko mana­ges to remain easy to use.

Here is a list of Trade­Ge­cko features:

In the Lite ver­si­on, Trade­Ge­cko is available from 79 USD per month. In addi­ti­on, Trade­Ge­cko offers seve­ral other price scales:

Stitch by Stitchlabs

Price: from 499 USD/month
System type: IMS with ERP extensions
Core func­tions: Exten­si­ve covera­ge of enter­pri­se resour­ce plan­ning across a wide range of platforms

Stitch is ano­ther good option for Woo­Commerce. It auto­ma­ti­cal­ly syn­chro­ni­zes your inven­to­ry, orders pro­duct data across mul­ti­ple sales chan­nels, sup­pli­ers and ful­fill­ment points.

It’s a great tool for online stores that sell on mul­ti­ple plat­forms and need a cen­tra­li­zed view of inven­to­ry. Stitch can inte­gra­te with mar­ket­places like Amazon and eBay. For exam­p­le, if a cus­to­mer orders your pro­ducts on Amazon or eBay, and at the same time also in your Woo­Commerce shop, all orders are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly merged and syn­chro­ni­zed by Stitch.

Here you can see an excerpt of the num­e­rous fea­tures that Stitch has to offer:

Stitch is also very adap­ta­ble in price. Three dif­fe­rent packa­ges are offe­red with an incre­asing number of fea­tures, which vary in price depen­ding on the number of pro­ducts in your shop. For up to 2,000 orders per month, the packa­ge prices are as follows:


Price: from 99 USD/month
System type: IMS
Core func­tions: Exten­si­ve covera­ge inven­to­ry manage­ment, stock & order manage­ment, auto­ma­ti­on Dropshipping

Order­hi­ve inte­gra­tes with all major eCom­mer­ce plat­forms such as Woo­Commerce and Shop­i­fy, as well as with many other sys­tems such as Stripe, Amazon, eBay, and car­ri­ers such as UPS, FEDEX and USPS.

With Order­hi­ve, you can manage mul­ti­ple dis­tri­bu­ti­on chan­nels, cen­tra­li­ze inven­to­ry, ship and track orders, and auto­ma­te drop­ship­ping. In addi­ti­on, Over­dri­ve offers who­le­sa­le manage­ment and a robust ana­ly­sis dash­board to sim­pli­fy the per­for­mance impro­ve­ment of your Woo­Commerce shop.

Order­hi­ve also has a number of other useful features:

And this at dif­fe­rent month­ly prices, depen­ding on the extent to which you sell your products:


Price: from 0,07€/order up to max. 39€/month for one sales channel
System type: IMS
Core func­tions: Com­pre­hen­si­ve covera­ge of inven­to­ry manage­ment, easy-to-use order pro­ces­sing, and auto­ma­ti­on solu­ti­on for mul­ti­ple sales channels

Bill­bee is our per­so­nal favo­ri­te among the ERP and IMS for German Woo­Commerce shops. This starts with simple, intui­ti­ve hand­ling, con­ti­nues with the com­pre­hen­si­ve IMS func­tions and ends with the fle­xi­ble, unique price model.

Bill­bee com­mu­ni­ca­tes with mar­ket­places like DaWan­da, Etsy, Amazon, Ebay, Raku­ten and online shops like Ver­sa­Com­mer­ce, Woo­Commerce, and Shopware.

Bill­bee offers among other things

  • auto­ma­tic order import, stock com­pa­ri­son, pro­ces­ses via rules
  • Crea­ti­on & dis­patch of invoices, deli­very notes, quo­ta­ti­ons, ABs and labels
  • Crea­ti­on of ship­ping docu­ments for DHL, DPD, UPS, Hermes and Deut­sche Post
  • Ful­fill­ment and Drop­ship­ping with Amazon FBA and other providers

Here you can see Billbee’s own over­view of its num­e­rous features:

What we par­ti­cu­lar­ly like: Bill­bee only char­ges per sale. So you only pay for orders that have actual­ly been placed. For a single sales chan­nel, you pay 0.07€/order, but only up to a maxi­mum of 39€/month.

Here Bill­bee offers a slider to cal­cu­la­te your pos­si­ble costs.

More profit in Woo­Commerce with the right ERP or IMS

As you can see, dif­fe­rent sys­tems serve dif­fe­rent needs for Woo­Commerce shop ope­ra­tors. Free plug­ins are usual­ly suf­fi­ci­ent for a simple IMS – but do they bene­fit your shop in the long run?

One thing is clear: the use of an ERP or IMS sup­ports your pro­ces­ses, espe­ci­al­ly with large num­bers of orders, becau­se it auto­ma­tes the pro­ces­ses and tasks of your employees. It thus keeps costs low and your margin high.

But the right ERP or IMS for Woo­Commerce is not the only way to increase sales in your shop. Cont­act us here and let’s dis­cuss solu­ti­ons for your busi­ness challenges.