Better Pro­duct Reviews in Your Woo­Commerce Store With 6 Simple Questions

Cus­to­mer reviews are the best sel­lers. They are people’s most important buying impul­se. In this artic­le we show you how you can uti­li­ze this for your Woo­Commerce shop.

Accor­ding to Peo­ple­Cla­im Blog, 70% of cus­to­mers prefer to look at reviews and ratings before they make a purcha­se online and 71% agree that con­su­mer reviews make them more com­for­ta­ble that they are buying the right product.

These sta­tis­tics make one thing clear: reviews have a direct influence on your sales success.

Why Pro­duct Reviews Are so Useful For Woo­Commerce Shops

63% of those sur­vey­ed also said they were more likely to buy from an online store which dis­plays reviews. And it makes sense – who would like to ent­rust their hard-earned money to a com­ple­te stranger?

And there we have the key expres­si­on: trust.

Trust is the be-all and end-all for every online shop. Wit­hout trust, no poten­ti­al buyer will give his money to you.

Cus­to­mer reviews create this trust becau­se the poten­ti­al buyer does not have to rely exclu­si­ve­ly on the state­ments of the seller. You create social proof and cre­di­bi­li­ty. This is also the reason why, accor­ding to Amazon, ratings are read more than pro­duct descriptions.

Poten­ti­al buyers belie­ve pro­duct descrip­ti­ons from unknown shops only to a cer­tain point, and prefer to know the expe­ri­en­ces of pre­vious buyers in order to make a well-foun­ded decis­i­on. They can then decide for them­sel­ves whe­ther they can over­look a product’s quirks or are deter­red from buying it.

An inte­res­t­ing fact is also that even medio­cre or nega­ti­ve ratings are better than none at all. In the case of no reviews, a poten­ti­al buyer quick­ly assu­mes that there is some­thing wrong with the pro­duct. No ratings are a grea­ter deter­rent than medio­cre or even bad ones.

Social Proof From Buyers or Organizations?

Reviews can be given by pre­vious cus­to­mers of a shop or by experts, for exam­p­le orga­niza­ti­ons and brands such as Stif­tung Waren­test. But which of these social proof types has more influence on buyers?

Does it make more sense for you as a shop ope­ra­tor to obtain reviews from cus­to­mers or experts?

A study con­duc­ted by For­res­ter Con­sul­ting in the US found that cus­to­mer ratings influence the purcha­se a little more (71%) than expert ratings (68%).

The dif­fe­rence in influence is too mini­mal to deter­mi­ne which type of social proof you as a shop ope­ra­tor should choose in order to win the trust of your poten­ti­al cus­to­mers. You can of course never go wrong with a com­bi­na­ti­on of reviews from exis­ting cus­to­mers and experts.

Recei­ving reviews from experts, howe­ver, invol­ves a lot more effort than mobi­li­zing your own exis­ting cus­to­mers. Eva­lua­ti­on requests to exis­ting cus­to­mers can be auto­ma­ted more easily than to experts.

Woo­Commerce Plug­ins for Pro­duct Reviews

There are seve­ral plug­ins to allow cus­to­mers to leave pro­duct reviews in their Woo­Commerce shop.

Stan­dard Review Feature

Woo­Commerce auto­ma­ti­cal­ly offers a rating system for your cus­to­mers. From a tech­ni­cal point of view, this fea­ture is equi­va­lent to the stan­dard com­ment func­tion of WordPress.

Depen­ding on the set­tings of your Word­Press system, you may have to acti­va­te the reviews before they can be dis­play­ed publicly. To do this, acti­va­te the check­box “Acti­va­te ratings” under Woo­Commerce → Set­tings. With this acti­va­ti­on, your cus­to­mers can rate and com­ment on the pro­ducts accor­ding to the aste­risk prin­ci­ple. Five stars repre­sent the hig­hest rating.

Woo­Commerce Pro­duct Reviews Pro

This plugin extends the basic fea­tures of the Woo­Commerce stan­dard review fea­ture. It allows Amazon-style rating and fil­te­ring, offers addi­tio­nal dis­cus­sion opti­ons and adds even more review func­tions. With this plugin, you offer your cus­to­mers the review opti­ons they’­ve come to know from major online mer­chants like Amazon.

Addi­tio­nal fea­tures include uploa­ding photos and videos, asking ques­ti­ons, as well as query cri­te­ria in a drop­down fea­ture (how did the pro­duct fit, was it con­ve­ni­ent, and many more). You can also filter and set the most hel­pful or cur­rent ratings.

The cost of the plugin for one licen­se is at least $79 a year.

Yotpo Social Reviews

The Yotpo Social Reviews plugin offers some addi­tio­nal great fea­tures. It sim­pli­fies revie­w­ing for your cus­to­mers, and faci­li­ta­tes and rewards the sha­ring of reviews on social media chan­nels – for free.

  1. You and your cus­to­mers can share 5‑star ratings on all social media platforms.
  2. You can auto­ma­ti­cal­ly send buyers ques­ti­ons about your pro­duct to make it easier for the cus­to­mer to eva­lua­te the product.
  3. As an incen­ti­ve, you can offer vou­ch­ers for split reviews at the same time.
  4. Yotpo also allows you to turn reviews into paid ads on Face­book and Instagram.
  5. With the Smart Pro­mo­ti­on func­tion you can select cer­tain pro­ducts for upsel­ling to sui­ta­ble cus­to­mers or for promotions.

In gene­ral we can highly recom­mend Yotpo as a plugin for reviews in Woo­Commerce shops.

The Two types of Evaluations

There are two types of reviews from buyers. First, there are the short, crisp reviews:

  • Super satis­fied.”
  • Sent right back. No recom­men­da­ti­on to buy”.
  • Fast deli­very – great.”

Any of these are nice to hear – but unfort­u­na­te­ly, these ratings are too short and meanin­g­less to con­vin­ce poten­ti­al buyers. They do not explain why the buyer was satis­fied, why the pro­duct was retur­ned, or how quick­ly the deli­very actual­ly arrived.

A much better way to build trust in poten­ti­al buyers are more detail­ed ratings that explain why a good or bad rating was given. Some of these reviews are so long, they’­re almost sto­ries. These sto­ries are the most hel­pful reviews for your customers.

Here is an exam­p­le of a longer, more meaningful rating for Schwung­voll:

Our new web­site is great. It is clear and easy to find ever­y­thing you are loo­king for. Its struc­tu­re is clear. The design is con­tem­po­ra­ry and fits well with the over­all parent advi­so­ry board in Con­s­tance. The hand­ling was uncom­pli­ca­ted and con­ve­ni­ent! The first mem­bers of the GEB are alre­a­dy working tog­e­ther with Franz Sauer­stein. We are total­ly satisfied!

~ Alex­an­dra Bek, Chair­wo­man of the Par­ents’ Advi­so­ry Coun­cil Constance

This type of review helps a poten­ti­al cus­to­mer, who is not yet con­vin­ced whe­ther he should use your ser­vice or not, to come to a decision.

How Do You Get Detail­ed Reviews?

The best and easie­st way to get such detail­ed reviews is to send auto­ma­ted follow-up emails with ques­ti­ons for the cus­to­mer to answer about ten days after he placed his order. Ten days gives the cus­to­mer enough time to get to know the pro­duct, but it is still new enough not to be taken for gran­ted. It is still pre­sent enough for the cus­to­mer to tell others about his experiences.

In his Brain Audit, Sean D’Sou­za sug­gests six ques­ti­ons to send to cli­ents for better reviews. Each ques­ti­on has a spe­ci­fic motive and helps the cus­to­mer write a review that helps poten­ti­al buyers make their purcha­se decision.

  1. What was the obs­ta­cle or hesi­ta­ti­on that would have pre­ven­ted you from buying this product/service?
    Here, cus­to­mers express con­cre­te doubts. The reader reco­gni­zes hims­elf in them.
  2. What did you find as a result of buying this product/service?
    In ans­we­ring this ques­ti­on, cus­to­mers explain the bene­fits they expe­ri­en­ced from buying the product.
  3. What spe­ci­fic fea­ture did you like most about this product/service?
    Cus­to­mers become very con­cre­te and share expe­ri­en­ces and stories.
  4. What are three other bene­fits about this prod­uct/service?
    Here, cus­to­mers descri­be other points of view and perspectives.
  5. Would you recom­mend this product/service? If so, why?
    With their answer, cus­to­mers give a clear recommendation.
  6. Is there any­thing you’d like to add?
    This gives cus­to­mers the chance to add any­thing unsaid.

The follow-up emails with these ques­ti­ons can be sent easily and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly via Yotpo, for exam­p­le. Alter­na­ti­ves are Follow-Up emails via auto­ma­ti­on soft­ware like Drip or Mailchimp.

Why Do These Ques­ti­ons Work?

Very few cus­to­mers are wri­ting pro­fes­sio­nals. Some may want to give a review but don’t know where to start or how to descri­be their thoughts, so don’t even start. These are missed oppor­tu­ni­ties for you to get reviews.

If you give the above-men­tio­ned ques­ti­ons to your cus­to­mer, you give him a struc­tu­re to follow. This almost auto­ma­ti­cal­ly crea­tes a meaningful review with all important aspects of the product.

Insert Coupon Codes

As an incen­ti­ve to share a review, for exam­p­le on Face­book, you can offer coupon codes; if he writes a review for a purcha­sed pro­duct and shares it on social media, he can redeem this coupon for the next purchase.

This not only gives you a split rating but also increa­ses the likeli­hood that the cus­to­mer will buy from you again. Yotpo offers a simple func­tion to offer coupon codes in exch­an­ge for shared reviews on Facebook.

Be aware: Please obser­ve the legal frame­work con­di­ti­ons and inform yours­elf about them. In this con­text, it is not per­mit­ted to set a reward for the direct sub­mis­si­on of a review.

Tem­p­la­te For a Review Request For Readers

As an extra treat, we have here a tem­p­la­te for you on how such a follow-up email to your cus­to­mers could be designed.

Sub­ject: Are you satis­fied with [Pro­duct XY]? Give us your feedback!


We are plea­sed that you have chosen [Pro­duct XY] and hope that we have fully met your expectations.

Please let us know if you are satis­fied with the pro­duct and con­sider wri­ting a review. Your review will help other cus­to­mers under­stand how awe­so­me [Pro­duct XY] is.

To make wri­ting the review easier for you, simply answer these questions:

  1. What was your big­gest doubt about our pro­duct before you bought it?
  2. What did you find after purcha­sing the product?
  3. What did you like most about the product?
  4. What three other advan­ta­ges did you have by buying the product?
  5. Would you recom­mend this pro­duct? If so, why?
  6. Would you like to add any­thing else?

Click here to submit your review:


We are loo­king for­ward to your feedback.

With best regards

Your XY GmbH

Use this tem­p­la­te to gene­ra­te your reviews. Send it out right now to your top-spen­ding cus­to­mers and let us know how it went. If you want to learn more about incre­asing your store’s reve­nue, cont­act us for a free con­sul­ta­ti­on.