From Con­ver­sio to Cam­paign Moni­tor Com­mer­ce – How Opti­mi­zing Cus­to­mer Acqui­si­ti­on through Auto­ma­ti­on and a rework­ed Mar­ke­ting Funnel Raised the Sales Price of a Company

What we achieved:

This is the first time ever that we’ve had any­thing that resem­bles a mea­sura­ble and repeata­ble funnel for cus­to­mer acqui­si­ti­on – and I don’t have to do anything.” 

~ Adii Pien­aar, Foun­der & CEO of Con­ver­sio (now Cam­paign Moni­tor Commerce)

In just eight months, from Janu­ary to August 2019, Schwung­voll sup­port­ed Con­ver­sio (now Cam­paign Moni­tor Com­mer­ce) to

  • run an in-depth cus­to­mer analysis,
  • launch a solid mar­ke­ting plan inclu­ding con­tent planning,
  • opti­mi­ze paid social campaigns,
  • set up auto­ma­ti­ons that faci­li­ta­te con­ti­nuous lear­ning and rese­arch about customers,

and ther­eby

  • set­ting up a mea­sura­ble, repeata­ble mar­ke­ting funnel, and
  • Opti­mi­zing and sca­ling auto­ma­ti­on for cus­to­mer acquisition.

These mea­su­res resul­ted in the above-men­tio­ned impro­ve­ments, as well as more pre­cis­e­ly for the fol­lo­wing advance­ments in cus­to­mer acquisition: 

Impro­ving their cus­to­mer acqui­si­ti­on was espe­ci­al­ly important for Con­ver­sio, becau­se the com­pa­ny was going through an acqui­si­ti­on pro­cess, at the end of which Con­ver­sio was suc­cessful­ly taken over by Cam­paign Moni­tor in summer 2019.

Before Schwung­voll came on board, Conversio’s growth was flat­li­ning, as there was no mea­sura­ble and repeata­ble funnel in place to acqui­re new cus­to­mers. Thanks to the mea­su­res sug­gested and their imple­men­ta­ti­on being over­seen by Schwung­voll, the value of the com­pa­ny grew tremendously.

Thanks for all your help this year; it defi­ni­te­ly set us on a better path going into the acqui­si­ti­on and the CM Group.

~ Adii Pienaar

Working with Adii and his team was a plea­su­re, and we’re incre­di­bly happy and proud to have been able to make such an impact on the com­pa­ny and its acquisition. 

If you want to learn more about the acqui­si­ti­on, how things moved for­ward, and the roller coas­ter of emo­ti­ons such an under­ta­king brings with it, then listen to Adii talk about it in detail here

And if you, dear reader and eCom­mer­ce entre­pre­neur, would like Schwung­voll’s sup­port in gar­ne­ring simi­lar results for your busi­ness, please don’t hesi­ta­te to cont­act me here to dis­cuss solu­ti­ons for your busi­ness challenges. 

Details, please

If you’re curious about a more detail­ed, month-to-month and step-by-step account of how Schwung­voll helped Con­ver­sio set up their new-and-impro­ved cus­to­mer acqui­si­ti­on pro­cess, we out­line the steps we took to opti­mi­ze the exis­ting mar­ke­ting funnel in the following. 

To moni­tor all the tasks and ana­ly­ze their effec­ti­ve­ness, we repor­ted back to Adii on a weekly basis, inclu­ding sha­ring an out­look for the next week and report­ing month­ly results. This is one of the most important steps we always take when working with a client. Wit­hout regu­lar ana­ly­za­ti­on of pre­de­ter­mi­ned goals, there is no optimization. 


In Janu­ary, we star­ted with: 

  • Laun­ching an in-depth cus­to­mer survey
  • Con­duc­ting cus­to­mer interviews
  • Car­ry­ing out com­pe­ti­tor research

We com­pi­led a report out of our fin­dings, based on which we chan­ged the mes­sa­ging and posi­tio­ning, using it as a start­ing point for paid social ads and to create a con­tent calen­dar based on a wiki approach. 

In Febru­ary, we con­tin­ued with: 

  • Opti­mi­zing the exis­ting paid social accounts, for exam­p­le by inte­gra­ting the Face­book-pixel cor­rect­ly and pre­pa­ring the ads
  • Set­ting up con­tent and con­tent upgrades
  • Laun­ching paid social campaigns
  • Iden­ti­fy­ing remar­ke­ting opportunities
  • Set­ting up mea­su­re­ments for con­ver­si­on rate optimization

In March, this was fol­lo­wed by: 

  • Opti­mi­zing for paid social
  • Deli­ve­ring more content
  • Taking advan­ta­ge of the Shop­i­fy-Mailchimp-Break­up by laun­ching a timely campaign
  • Wri­ting new case stu­dies, and adding them to the web­site and paid social

Thanks for all the hard work. I think the pro­gress you’ve made is signi­fi­cant for three months of work and things are tren­ding in the right direc­tion.” ~ Adii Pienaar

April saw us imple­men­ting the fol­lo­wing measures: 

  • Onsite per­so­na­liza­ti­on and set­ting up Right­Mes­sa­ge and RightBar
  • Revi­si­ting cus­to­mers’ wate­ring holes (more cus­to­mer rese­arch) with grea­ter understanding
  • Laun­ching new A-/B‑­tests for inline CTAs in blog articles
  • Updating old blog artic­les with CTAs to con­tent upgrades in order to drive more sigh-ups
  • Updated old con­tent and added it to the mar­ke­ting funnel, acce­le­ra­ting cus­to­mer sign-ups

In May, we kept going with: 

  • Crea­ting a master sheet con­tent idea list and con­tent calendar
  • Adding new fea­tures of the Con­ver­sio app to paid social campaigns
  • Rese­ar­ching and set­ting up You­Tube remar­ke­ting and Google ads to add ano­ther acqui­si­ti­on channel
  • Working through Google Ana­ly­tics and set­ting up proper reports, dash­board and con­ver­si­on tracking

This lead to the fol­lo­wing steps in June: 

  • Adding remar­ke­ting audi­en­ces in Google Analytics
  • Laun­ching You­Tube ads
  • Rewor­king the Right­Mes­sa­ge setup, espe­ci­al­ly mes­sa­ging to drive more down­loads and trials
  • Con­sul­ting on a new over­view page for con­tent upgrades 
  • Adding per­so­na­liza­ti­on to the website
  • Adding new con­tent upgrades
  • Ana­ly­zing growth oppor­tu­ni­ties and plan­ning growth initiatives

Con­tin­ued by fur­ther steps taken in July: 

  • Crea­ting more con­tent upgrades to add to the site and paid social funnel
  • Set­ting up work­flows for delivery
  • Adding new cus­to­mer rese­arch ques­ti­ons to Right­Mes­sa­ge to faci­li­ta­te con­ti­nuous learning

And final­ly, in August, we went the extra mile by: 

  • Struc­tu­ring paid search campaigns
  • Laun­ching a brand campaign
  • Laun­ching Gmail ads
  • Fin­ding out how com­pe­ti­ti­on drives trials, and 
  • Crea­ting a plan to test com­pe­ti­tors’ approaches

It’s been so great having your input and exper­ti­se since you are around here. A lot of the things you’re working on have been there fore­ver and we haven’t really looked in detail at what’s working and what isn’t (or what’s harming!).”

~ Maria Irie, Desi­gner at Conversio

Curious about how Schwung­voll might help you through your busi­ness chal­lenges? We’d love to help and hop on an initi­al inter­view free of charge. Just cont­act me here.