Fol­lo­wing up with my cli­ents con­sis­t­ent­ly added tens of thou­sands in reve­nue each year.” Brennan Dunn

Fol­lo­wing up with my cli­ents con­sis­t­ent­ly added tens of thou­sands in reve­nue each year.” Brennan Dunn

I knew that fol­lo­wing up with your past cli­ents con­sis­t­ent­ly is not only healt­hy for your busi­ness rela­ti­ons­ships, but also does won­ders for incre­asing your reve­nue while decre­asing your time spent pro­s­pec­ting for new cli­ents or spen­ding money to find them. Howe­ver I found that in ever­y­day busi­ness fol­lo­wing up with cli­ents took a back­se­at. I was con­ce­red that Double Your Client Follow-Up Reve­nue would eat a lot of my time uti­li­zing it, but the con­tra­ry is the case: For every client I get an indi­vi­du­al, pre-writ­ten, opti­mi­zed follow-up email sent to my inbox at the right time which I can copy, paste and send of to my client. That allows me to con­sis­t­ent­ly and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly keep in touch with my cli­ents, learn more about their busi­ness and help them to solve their expen­si­ve pro­blems. Fol­lo­wing up with my past cli­ents allows me to add seve­ral tens of thou­sands of reve­nue each year. I recom­mend Double Your Client Follow Up Reve­nue to every design agency gene­ra­ting bet­ween 125’000 and 250’000 $ per year.

Brennan Dunn, Agency Owner, SaaS-Seller and THAT Free­lan­cing and Agency Con­sul­tant you read about

SCHWUNG­VOLL – eCom­mer­ce Marketing

Brennan Dunn, Agency Owner, SaaS-Seller and THAT Free­lan­cing and Agency Con­sul­tant you read about

I knew that fol­lo­wing up with your past cli­ents con­sis­t­ent­ly is not only healt­hy for your busi­ness rela­ti­ons­ships, but also does won­ders for incre­asing your reve­nue while decre­asing your time spent pro­s­pec­ting for new cli­ents or spen­ding money to find them. Howe­ver I found that in ever­y­day busi­ness fol­lo­wing up with cli­ents took a back­se­at. I was con­ce­red that Double Your Client Follow-Up Reve­nue would eat a lot of my time uti­li­zing it, but the con­tra­ry is the case: For every client I get an indi­vi­du­al, pre-writ­ten, opti­mi­zed follow-up email sent to my inbox at the right time which I can copy, paste and send of to my client. That allows me to con­sis­t­ent­ly and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly keep in touch with my cli­ents, learn more about their busi­ness and help them to solve their expen­si­ve pro­blems. Fol­lo­wing up with my past cli­ents allows me to add seve­ral tens of thou­sands of reve­nue each year. I recom­mend Double Your Client Follow Up Reve­nue to every design agency gene­ra­ting bet­ween 125’000 and 250’000 $ per year.