An Edu­ca­tio­nal Mar­ke­ting Journey 

Working with Franz as a frac­tion­al CMO for Goril­la (Cauldron’s expe­ri­ment buil­der for beha­viou­ral rese­arch and con­duc­ting beha­viou­ral stu­dies) has been a breath of fresh air. Franz is extra­or­di­na­ry in impro­ving high-level mar­ke­ting stra­tegy as well as low-level imple­men­ta­ti­on and ever­y­thing in bet­ween, inclu­ding over­see­ing imple­men­ta­ti­on or trai­ning employees. 

Step by step, Franz has been suc­cessful­ly taking us on an edu­ca­tio­nal mar­ke­ting jour­ney, get­ting us closer to our goal of the com­pa­ny tur­ning into a well-oiled machi­ne that knows what it’s doing: 

We’ve ste­adi­ly been redu­cing the com­ple­xi­ty of our mar­ke­ting to be able to mea­su­re what works and focus on what moves the needle. Franz has been a valuable sound­ing board regar­ding new initia­ti­ves, hel­ping us to decide with what to move ahead, what to de-prio­ri­ti­ze and what to prototype. 

Franz kept a steady eye on our tech-stack, inte­gra­ting it and making sure that we levera­ge our scarce resour­ces as much as pos­si­ble while still gro­wing brand awa­re­ness for our offers. 

Don’t hesi­ta­te to give him a try. He and his team at SCHWUNG­VOLL are great. Thank you, Franz, for your con­ti­nuous­ly com­pe­tent support.

~ Jo Ever­s­hed, CEO of Caul­dron

SCHWUNG­VOLL – eCom­mer­ce Marketing

~ Jo Ever­s­hed, CEO of Caul­dron

An Edu­ca­tio­nal Mar­ke­ting Jour­ney Working with Franz as a frac­tion­al CMO for Goril­la (Cauldron’s expe­ri­ment buil­der for beha­viou­ral rese­arch and con­duc­ting beha­viou­ral stu­dies) has been a breath of fresh air. Franz is extra­or­di­na­ry in impro­ving high-level mar­ke­ting stra­tegy as well as low-level imple­men­ta­ti­on and ever­y­thing in bet­ween, inclu­ding over­see­ing imple­men­ta­ti­on or trai­ning employees. Step by step, Franz has been suc­cessful­ly taking us on an edu­ca­tio­nal mar­ke­ting jour­ney, get­ting us closer to our goal of the com­pa­ny tur­ning into a well-oiled machi­ne that knows what it’s doing: We’ve ste­adi­ly been redu­cing the com­ple­xi­ty of our mar­ke­ting to be able to mea­su­re what works and focus on what moves the needle. Franz has been a valuable sound­ing board regar­ding new initia­ti­ves, hel­ping us to decide with what to move ahead, what to de-prio­ri­ti­ze and what to pro­to­ty­pe. Franz kept a steady eye on our tech-stack, inte­gra­ting it and making sure that we levera­ge our scarce resour­ces as much as pos­si­ble while still gro­wing brand awa­re­ness for our offers. Don’t hesi­ta­te to give him a try. He and his team at SCHWUNG­VOLL are great. Thank you, Franz, for your con­ti­nuous­ly com­pe­tent sup­port.